
name: alex
age: 25+
pronouns: she/her. i don't mind they/them.
languages fluent in english and french. a bit of spanish, japanese and russian.
content warnings i appreciate (non-obligated): real life domestic abuse / intimate partner violence. let me know if there's anything you'd like me to warn for, and i'll do my best to keep it in mind.

Note: If you replace the image to the left but it looks too small, go to the '.imgwrapper' selector and increase the flex-grow property.

If you want to change the image size on mobile version, go to the '@media(max-width:515px)' selector and change the widths for the '.img' selector accordingly. ♡


characters: i love everyone, even though i talk about the tragedy trio a lot.
pairs: jacklacie, osjack, laciejackoswald ig. elliot/leo. oz/echo. i'm open to pretty much anything.


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Curabitur porttitor eleifend tellus, et vestibulum eros tempus quis. Duis ac quam massa. Cras nec fringilla tellus. In et erat odio. Sed sit amet justo ut mi semper ultricies. Vestibulum tristique orci eget magna molestie maximus. Donec vitae purus luctus, sodales lorem vitae, hendrerit ipsum.
